Video Content Marketing: How Video Helps SEO

Good quality video for SEO increases the chances of people finding your brand on a Google or Bing search!

Promotional Video

At Gillespie Productions, we combine artistic flair with a deep understanding of business and corporate communication. It means that every single video we produce helps your business reach new audiences, build brand recognition, and even improve your Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Good quality video for SEO increases the chances of people finding your brand on a Google or Bing search – and SEO video content can be quite varied.

Our commercial videography service is popular throughout Wisconsin and beyond, and there are several reasons why businesses trust us to boost their SEO with video.

What Is Video Marketing?

Video marketing is a way of creating new customers by introducing your brand, your products, or your service to a new audience. Whether your video is shared on social media, on your website, or through email lists, video marketing is designed to introduce people to what you have to offer and convert them into buyers.

Video content marketing takes many forms, too. Some videos may directly demonstrate how your product works and show people how it is beneficial, while other videos can focus on your vision, your passion, and your story.

The idea is to provide content that is not just engaging but which provides something of value to those watching it.

What is Video Marketing

5 Reasons Why Video Content Helps SEO

So, how does video help SEO? Let’s take a look.

#1. Google Algorithm Prefers Videos

Google’s algorithm, which determines what sites appear and in what order on a search engine results page, is changing all the time. Google prefers to rank websites that are authoritative, relevant to a user’s search, and which contain valuable information not just in the form of text but also in the form of video.

Videos are more important in Google’s algorithm than ever, and by combining quality video content with other SEO methods, you can improve the chances of people finding your website in a Google search.

Brand videos are a great addition to any website for this reason.

#2. Video Works Great on Mobile

More people are searching the internet on their phones than ever before – and when you don’t have a big screen in front of you, video is often the preferred form of content consumption. Video gives you an opportunity to show your product, describe your services, and give potential customers a reason to consider your brand.

Since 2016, the majority of internet traffic has come from mobile devices…and that’s unlikely to change. So, whatever industry you’re in, video is hugely valuable and probably the best way to reach new customers.

#3. Much More Dwell Time

The term “dwell time” refers to the amount of time that a user spends on a website. If a user spends more time on a site they found on a Google search, it means that the algorithm correctly identifies websites relating to their search time.

A dwell time of several minutes means that Google recognizes your website is relevant to the search term and will keep your website on the search engine results page.

Video is a fantastic way to increase dwell time, meaning your site will appear on the relevant search engine results page for as long as new people continue coming to your site and watching your videos.

#4. Lower Bounce Rate

Video also helps you reduce your bounce rate, which is a term that refers to the percentage of visitors on your website who leave after only looking at one page. When you engage visitors with video, they may be more likely to stick around and see what else your website has to offer.

Video gets people intrigued and should invite them to learn more, visit different pages, and check out your online store. It generates sales, and it also reduces your bounce rate, which is great for SEO.

#5. Link Building Is Better With Video Content

Finally, there’s link building.

Google ranks websites that link to other authoritative websites (and vice versa) higher than websites that don’t link to other websites. That means you’ll need links on your site to other authoritative websites, and those websites should also link back to you.

Video can help make that happen, especially when you produce videos that offer real value to the viewer. When other websites link to your video and website, your website ranks higher in search results.

Video content and SEO

Improve Your SEO With Expert Video Production

So, does video improve SEO? Without question, it does – but your video needs to give the viewers a reason to stick around.

At Gillespie Productions, we help businesses tell their stories, reach new audiences, and improve their SEO through video.

For a professional video production service you can trust and a free quote and consultation, why not give us a call?


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